MANER Training School

MANER Training School Gjøvik 2022 takes place 7-14 September, 2022 in conjunction with the 11th Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS) in Gjøvik, Norway. The school is primarily intended for graduate students, PhD and postdoctoral fellows, and researchers interested in modeling, measurement, and perception of material appearance. The leading experts and active researchers from MANER network and beyond will provide fundamental theoretical lectures, hands on practical training, and presentations of their ongoing research and applications of material appearance. The participants will familiarize themselves with the state-of-the-art cross-disciplinary research on material appearance from different perspectives, such as computer graphics, human vision, image processing, machine learning, 3D printing etc. Participants of the training school will have an opportunity to join the technical sessions of the CVCS and attend the talks on broad range of topics including but not limited to colour, vision, image processing, hyperspectral imaging, 3D capture and reproduction, image and video quality etc. The school is an amazing opportunity for networking with MANER network academic personnel, as well as students, researchers, and professors from all around the globe attending CVCS, COSI Days, and ApPEARS Expo.
Attendance at the CVCS requires a paid registration. The school is free of charge for CVCS registrants, but a separate registration is needed. Please register for the school at: before 25 August 2022. The requests to join the rest of the school program only [without registering for CVCS] will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and should be sent to:
MANER Network students and academic staff can apply for travel grants. Other participants are expected to cover travel costs themselves.
MANER School Programme is available here.
The training school is supported by the Research Council of Norway.
Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us: